Story and Breakdowns: James O’Barr Story and Art: Jim Terry The Crow: Skinning the Wolves is a return to the franchise by long-absent creator James O’ Barr, who has moved the Crow’s current incarnation from gritty urban landscapes to a Nazi concentration camp. Even as […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsThe description for Alex Kimmell’s anthology, A Chorus of Wolves, describes it as a book where “Safe havens become unsafe…the familiar turns outlandish and incomprehensible,” and that’s as good a description as any for what’s in store for you within these pages. The book includes […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsThe story of Bram Stoker has been shrouded in vague facts and assumptions to this day, over one-hundred years after the release of his seminal novel, Dracula. A classic not only within the horror genre but also in literature as a whole, Dracula is arguably […]
Authors Books & ComicsMy wife hates H.P. Lovecraft. Ponder that for a second. That’s like Lyndon Johnson and Ho Chi Minh finding they had enough other stuff in common to put aside that whole Vietnam War thing and spend their lives together in mutual passion.[1] Truth is, I […]
Book Reviews Books & Comics“It’s rather clanging, don’t you think?” The professor was a short, fashionable blonde, who, despite her 40-plus years of age, still talked like a preening Valley Girl. During that day’s class, the target of another one of her half-formed diatribes was Horror of Dracula –Hammer’s […]
Featured ArticleThe Casebook of Newbury and Hobbes is a short story horror collection that’s sure to get you steamy… Steamy in the sense that if you’re a 19th century loving punk who straps your goggles high to the front of your old, dusty top hat, and you […]
Book Reviews Books & Comics…And the Economics Behind Why We Must Endure Them in the First Place “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.” – Gordon Gekko, Wall Street (1987) I’m sure you clicked on this article expecting to read a fun list of good horror movie […]
Featured ArticleRavenous Monster’s Rob Hibbs interviews R.A. Mihailoff, star of Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3. R.A. discusses his casting in the iconic role, playing Leatherface, and his tactics in a Leatherface battle Royale!
Movie Interviews Movies & TVHidden deep in the wilds of the Canadian Wilderness is a place known as “The Devil’s Woods.” It’s in this place that men have disappeared for centuries and it’s there that Kyle Elkheart will return to find his father whose expedition has just gone missing. […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsWarning: Spoilers Ahead! And, no, that’s not one of the handful of folksy, slangy pet names for zombies our heroes are fond of using. The Walking Dead Season 4, Part 1 is over and the series is on hiatus until February 2014. What begins as […]
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