This movie sucks. Because of that, the 1967 South Korean monster movie Yongary, Monster from the Deep was featured on the second season of the Canadian television show This Movie Sucks! Just in case you don’t live as close to the Great White North as […]
Featured ArticleOn August 26th, 2014, Titan Books will release Plague World—the final novel of author Dana Fredsti’s acclaimed Ashley Parker Trilogy. Fredsti’s Ashley Parker novels are endearing, addictive yarns depicting the zombie apocalypse with biting humor (yeah, yeah…that was a pun!), exhilarating action, heady drama, and gory […]
Featured Article NewsSam Ingraffia: The Wages of Art- There are some people who are so creative that their innovation can’t be contained by just one form of expression. Enter Sam Ingraffia, Chicago-born but Los Angeles-bred. To say he wears a lot of hats is doing him an […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVDeadly Doctors 3: Veterinarians of the Vicious and the Voracious By: Sir Dr. Robert Hibbs (not a real title) Countless beasts in the animal kingdom should be feared, but none more than the human animal, particularly human beasts of the doctor variety that can manipulate […]
Featured ArticleBack in July, I had the privilege of reviewing a little film called Sader Ridge, released by The October People. Since then, it’s met with some pretty impressive success. After getting picked up for distribution by Ruthless Pictures in September, the film was renamed to […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVVampires have been done to death, right? Well, perhaps in some cases. With the rise of Twilight and other paranormal romances like it, vampires have a completely different stigma and appeal than they had in the days of Nosferatu, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, and even […]
Authors Books & ComicsFrom Richard Powell and Zach Green’s Fatal Pictures, the company that brought you the critically acclaimed, award winning short horror films Worm and Familiar, comes their forthcoming and final short film Heir, a touching tale of a father and son starring the Emmy award-winning Bill […]
NewsHorror Fans! The crazed maniacs behind the new movie Truth or Dare are ready to unleash this beast on sunny California this Friday, January 10th. Pajamas? Vomit bags? Red Carpet? Yup, sounds like a party…read the full press release below…. Jessica Cameron’s New Horror Film […]
NewsRavenous Monster’s Rob Hibbs interviews the star of Texas Chainsaw 3D, Dan Yeager. Get the dirt on what Dan brings to his take on the iconic Leatherface character and how he’d wage war in a Leatherface battle Royale!
Movie Interviews Movies & TVRavenous Monster’s editor-in-chief Jason Thorson and horror bell-weather/RavMon contributor Justin Hamelin take a look at some of the best of the genre from 2013! Read on, Horror Fans…. Jason Thorson: Not only did mainstream horror continue to be lucrative in theaters in 2013, but it […]
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