Formerly known as The Witches of Dumpling Farm directed by Martin J Pickering and written by Martin and his brother Mark, I was really looking forward to checking out Wicked Witches. I love movies based on witchcraft. There simply aren’t enough films in that genre. […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVIf you run in the circles in which I run, chances are you’ve been asked whether you prefer Star Wars or Star Trek at least once. The only answer to that question, of course, is Alien. Alien is such a part of our culture that […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsLord have mercy. So, I just finished watching the award-winning, highly anticipated film, The VelociPastor. Writer/director Brendan Steere’s parodical story about how a “man of the claw” discovers that he’s got the ability to transform into a fierce velociraptor to battle evil…or ninjas. Sounds like […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVTrains make wonderful movie sets, particularly if the director wants to imbue his or her work with a sense of danger and claustrophobia. Sure, the clickety-clack of your locomotive may be relaxing, but you’re a captive audience in cloistered confines perched on steel rails often […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVIn horror, it’s generally easy to tell who the victim is and who is the villain. The victim can usually be found screaming and running from the killer, often in vain. But what makes a villain villainous? With some characters there is an intrinsic sense […]
Featured Article Movies & TVTake the most notoriously haunted area in the U.S. and litter it with a bunch of the douchiest douchebags to ever exist, and whaddaya get? You get one of the dumbest “horror” movies ever made. Clinton Road is the title of this movie, and there’s […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVThe horror genre sure loves a possessed doll, doesn’t it? I’ve never been a fan of dolls. In fact, I’ve stripped, amputated and decapitated my fair share of them in my lifetime. Oh, and let it be known that I’ll smack the shit out of […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVHorror fans are a ravenous breed, and their numbers are swelling. 2017 was a record setting year for the genre, scoring a collective box office yield of well over $700 million. But what makes a horror villain iconic? For some it’s the actor, such as Tim Curry’s […]
Featured Article Movies & TVBeing a professor of kaijuology, I know a thing or two about giant monsters. Yet, MONARCH never bothered to give me a call. Based on what I see of that organization in Godzilla, King of the Monsters, it’s probably just as well. They don’t seem […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVAt first blush, All My Colors seems to slot neatly into the subgenre of “writer horror” — a book that delves into the fear that lingers at the edges of creativity. In some respects, it shares much in common with Stephen King’s novella Secret Window, […]
Book Reviews Books & Comics