From the creative mind of writer/director, Elias (Gut, Dark, The Horror of H.P. Lovecraft), and the fine folks at The October People, comes a weird tale of grief and loss called Ayla. I was interested in this film from the get-go as I’d seen that […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVChimera is an ambitious dark sci-fi film written and directed by Maurice Haeems. A directorial debut, the film tackles heady themes and builds a chilling atmosphere of isolation and insanity against a background of bio-technology gone awry. The story follows brilliant-but-troubled scientist Quint (Henry Ian […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVIf The Wire and Breaking Bad are any indication, the ideal length for a television series is five seasons. The Wire was ambitious and unanimously praised for among other things bringing a complex, nuanced tale to our screens with a remarkable level of execution. It […]
Movies & TV TV ReviewsOhhhh Angus. Why? Michael, why? Why waste your considerable talents on She Rises, a low-budget, high-risk horror flick that had zero chance of success? I’m talking about Angus Macfadyen (Braveheart, TV’s Turn) and Michael Biehn (The Terminator, Aliens, Tombstone), a pair of screen veterans who […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVSpring has sprung, and with it comes a favorite holiday. Can you guess which one I’m talking about? No, not Easter, but it does have to do with grass. Of course, I can only be reefer-ing (see what I did there?) to the much-loved, much-celebrated […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVA relationship breakup is a bad day by anyone’s standards, but for volatile Nick (Danny Miller), it’s more like lighting a fuse on a powder keg. He’s getting the boot so someone else is paying the price. And so begins Cruel Summer, a disturbing little […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVThere is almost certainly nothing more horrible than your own body turning against you. The thought of the familiar becoming unfamiliar is a universal nightmare; the biology you depended on for everyday living turning into the engine of your destruction. The most common name we […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVHaving grown up in south-central Wisconsin, I’ll never forget the day back in 1991 that the news stations plastered images of hazmat-suit clad law enforcement officials removing evidentiary blue plastic barrels and brown paper bags full of body parts from Milwaukee’s Oxford Apartments and the […]
Movies & TV NewsA Taste of Phobia – a feature-length horror anthology showcasing segments by 14 international directors depicting 14 different phobias – is coming to North American screens courtesy of Artsploitation Films. As many of you are aware, Artsploitation Films specializes in distributing the world’s most bizarre, […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVBabies. They’re not for everyone. Sure, they’re cute, but they’re exhausting. Better yet, sometimes their very existence can unleash all kinds of hell upon a naïve new mother. In Siembamba, or The Lullaby written by Tarryn -Tanille Prinsloo and directed by Darrell Roodt, this seems […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TV