At six feet, ten inches tall, Robert Mukes has always stood out. Hailing from Indianapolis, Indiana, Mukes has enjoyed a life and career that has seen him dot the globe, from acting in Hollywood to playing basketball in Europe. A devoted father of two girls, […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVThe Werewolf Goes West! Somethin’ is kickin’ up dust in the entertainment world, pardner. It seems that inch by inch, the Western is starting to crawl its way out of the grave and back into the public consciousness. Sure, it’ll probably never reach the heights […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVWidely considered the first true horror film from Belgium, director Jonas Govaerts brings us a solid directorial debut that asks the question, “What’s wrong with Sam?” As if the woods weren’t creepy enough, Cub (Artsploitation Films) drapes audiences in a skin-crawling paranoia that someone is […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVProlific filmmaker and horror legend Wes Craven passed away from brain cancer on August 30th, 2015—what was yesterday as I type these words. I had no idea he was sick so his death comes as quite a shock. The malevolent “C-Word” snatches another one from […]
Featured ArticleScrawny and thin, my dead come in But looks are soon forgotten I fill the hollows in their cheeks With little wads of cotton I set their hair a’waving fair And pull their eyelids down And like a sculptor ply my art To banish scowl […]
Featured ArticleArgentina’s Onetti brothers (Sonno Profondo, 2013) return with Francesca—a throwback to giallo cinema with a Latin spin that will debut this fall at Sitges. This looks to continue a resurgent Latin American horror boom in as unique a way as we’ve seen in quite some […]
NewsEileen Dietz has had a wonderful career and embraces her horror claim to fame. She is literally the face of the most terrifying horror film of all-time. Although it took decades for the horror world to realize that she, in fact, was the one behind […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVWhen something bad happens, and when the perpetrator or perpetrators show the obvious signs of influence from popular culture, the question usually comes up. In this case, it’s always THE QUESTION: does art imitate life, or does life imitate art? It’s rhetorical, of course. The […]
Featured ArticleBullying has been an American horror tale since the day the pilgrims came over and forced their way onto land that wasn’t theirs to take. Over the last two decades, high school bullying and domestic terrorism in schools has been a focal point of national […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVAs a dedicated fan of The Walking Dead, it’s hard not to be excited about the spinoff series Fear the Walking Dead premiering at the end of August. It’s strange to think that audiences started with a cop getting shot during a car chase and […]
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