Colombian magical realist Gabriel Garcia Marquez died in 2014. Joseph Bruce and Joseph Utsler founded Insane Clown Posse in 1991. If the man who wrote One Hundred Years of Solitude collaborated on a film with the men who gave us Juggalos, it would probably look […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVHooked Up has one of the most intriguing premises in recent memory—a haunted house film shot entirely on an iPhone. In this day and age of technological dominance, it was only a matter of time before someone did it. But a haunted house film? I […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVIn Cthulhu Lives!, editor Salomé Jones brings together many stories for Ghostwoods Books that fall under the vast cyclopean umbrella that is the Cthulhu Mythos. The stories range from straightforward horror stories to epistolary fiction and everything in between. If that isn’t cool enough, how […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsRecently, I was given the opportunity to not only review the newest effort put out by North Shore Pictures titled All Saints Eve, but I also had the chance to interview the film’s up and coming lead actress, Mere Davis. Read on for more on […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVGods of death eating Jujubes, a refined gentlemen called Mr. Bear Poop on a Log, a flashback squirrel fighting the FBI and a nine-step puppet tutorial, are just some of what you’ll find in the pages of Roman Dirge’s Lenore: Pink Bellies. The most adorable […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsDavid Robert Mitchell, the Michigander writer-director responsible for It Follows, clearly has a “thing” for the coming-of-age tale. Before writing and directing It Follows, Mitchell did the same honors for his first full-length — 2010’s The Myth of the American Sleepover. Now, while The Myth […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVThere’s one week left to contribute to the Indiegogo campaign for The Moose Head Over the Mantel, an unorthodox indie horror feature from the people behind the movies The Big Bad, They Will Outlive Us All, and the upcoming The Passion of Paul Ross. Jessi […]
NewsThe fifth season of AMC’s hit series The Walking Dead has devoured its last morsel of Sunday night competition until later this year, and just like its previous seasons and its titular rotten ghouls, carnage has been left in its wake, both the emotional variety […]
Movies & TV TV ReviewsAlright, Horror Fans. Hudson Horror Show, one of the best horror film fests in the country returns to Poughkeepsie, NY this June with a great line up of vintage horror and exploitation all on 35mm along with vendors and guests! Tickets go on sale this […]
NewsHowling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf. Or if you prefer, Howling II: Stirba – Werewolf Bitch. Either way you’re getting a sequel with a declarative sentence. The first is accurate. Ben White’s sister is a werewolf in Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf, […]
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