Horror Fans, we have a problem. An integral part of our beloved genre has been conspicuously absent the past couple of decades. I’m referring to the almighty Horror Movie Icon. Soon after movies started being made in the way they continue to be made now […]
Featured ArticleForget Rob Zombie and Martha Stewart, Robert “H-ween” Hibbs has got the best tips on how to make the most out of your 13 Days of Horrorween. Screw the 12 days of Christmas and Thanksgiving (AKA National Pre- Black Friday Carbo-Load Day). If you’re like […]
Featured ArticleChild-eating demons put Ethan Hawke through a different kind of Training Day in Scott Derrickson’s Sinister. Jason Blum–producer of Paranormal Activity and Insidious–and writer-director Scott Derrickson of Hellraiser: Inferno infamy bring viewers a creative take on the found footage genre by pitting Ethan Hawke against […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVAfter my last article about haunted attractions, I got bit by the Halloween bug pretty hard. Combined with the chilly weather, I quickly found myself loading up my Netflix queue with horror movies. Subsequently, I’ve watched a lot of them over the last week, ranging […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVThe Martian War: A Thrilling Eyewitness Account of the Recent Invasion As Reported by Mr. H.G. Wells and an even more thrilling and sensational review hot from the yellow presses and beamed across the whole planet through wacky wires and banshee screams by Mr. R. […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsThere’s a lot to be said about the idea of survival horror video games as the most immersive horror experience. The allure of climbing into a character persona and facing – and overcoming – horrifying challenges is both thrilling and empowering, and the best games […]
Featured ArticleRavMon’s resident horror humorist, Billy Boyce returns with a new review…reader beware! V/H/S is a twist of the much hated and tired “Found Footage” genre of Horror films. Even worse, is that parts of the footage are grainy, shaky, and all over the place — […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVGreg Johnson works hard, he works weird, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. An intimidating man, mostly because he’s known for playing a depraved and homicidal maniac named Jeb Wayne, Greg-the-guy is thoughtful and funny. He’s someone who’s been put through the paces […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVIn the early 1980s, tabletop Role-Playing games were still in their infancy. D&D had come along by then, and the groundswell of popularity it was gathering unto itself was beginning to demand more than the fledgling TSR could easily provide. Perhaps we should pause here […]
Games & ToysI always loved werewolves. Hell, I was one. I know how they think. I know what it’s like when the change hits, that crawling moment when man becomes beast and that dreaming one when beast becomes man again. I know that. I’ve been there. Years […]
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