“Some things won’t stay down… even after they’re dead.” This is the tagline for Peter Jackson’s cult classic Dead Alive, one of the most unique horror films ever made and one that is, in this writer’s opinion, widely overlooked by many horror buffs out there. […]
Featured ArticleI recently saw, for the first time, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, a film based partially on the life of real world serial killer Henry Lee Lucas. Directed by Jon McNaughton, the film portrays Henry as an itinerant ex-con, rooming with an old prison […]
Featured ArticleVampires have remained popular, more or less, for the past hundred years or so. By that I mean there’s been no time where people were saying en masse, “Say, what are these ‘vampires’ of which you speak? They drink what now?” But a couple of […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsDirector James McTeigue has built up quite a résumé over the last two decades in cinema, including his directorial debut V for Vendetta and work on all three Matrix films. The film I enjoyed most of his is one that others may not hold in […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVThe Horror Realm Convention recently kicked off the early spring with its one day March celebration. Erupting onto the scene with celebrity guests, horror fans, and dozens of talented local vendors, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania experienced the mad influx of all things horror and zombie. Having been […]
Event Coverage Music & EventsThe Cabin in the Woods might be the most generic title for a horror movie you’ll ever hear, but I’m willing to bet it will be the most creative horror movie you’ll ever see. Co-writer Joss Whedon has called the film “a very loving hate […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVLast week, author Dana Fredsti’s Plague Town: An Ashley Parker Novel was unleashed upon unsuspecting horror fans by a sinister entity known as Titan Books. And while Ashley Parker deserves top billing, the novel is, in fact, a full on zombie book. Scared yet? Another. […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsClerical Terrors: How to Translate a Tome of Eldritch Horror Without Looking Like a Dumb-Ass[1] Arabic is a nuanced language of great complexity, and mistakes are easy to make for the newcomer. I learned this the hard way when I asked a pharmacist for insecticide […]
Featured ArticleSPOILERS AHEAD! Season two of The Walking Dead on AMC is now safely in the rearview mirror and after unabashedly heaping praise upon this rare gem of TV terror in my Midterm Report Card, my initial take on the first half of season two remains […]
Movies & TV TV ReviewsThe review you’re currently perusing is the final installment of the DEAD Journal series at RavenousMonster.com. The series, subtitled “Diary of an Indie Filmmaker”, is just that. In early 2011, RavMon contributor Justin Hamelin brought to my attention his plans to direct his first short […]
DEAD Journal