This past Halloween, in lieu of tormenting the kids who were trick-or-treating in my neighborhood, I decided to take a three to four-hour road trip to Columbus, OH. Why would I forgo the opportunity to pass out candy dressed up as an axe murderer, you […]
Event Coverage Music & EventsAnthologies from Hell, Part Two: The House That Dripped Blood After The Torture Garden, Bloch and Amicus would not make another film together for four years. In that time Bloch continued to write for himself and for television, while Amicus kept trying to outdo and […]
Featured ArticleYou feel the dried page against your finger and hear a subtle crack as you gingerly turn it. The book’s spine is stiff and you look down, taking in the yellowed paper. In the dimly lit room you smile coyly to yourself. The book is […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsSergey Kuznetsov is a serious man. A seriously talented man, yes, but serious nonetheless. Butterfly Skin, Kuznetsov’s most recent novel, is a serial killer tale set in modern-day Moscow. Although at times graphically violent and even more graphically sexual, Kuznetsov wants to assure his readers […]
Authors Books & ComicsDirector Steven Paul Judd’s The Butchers has a familiar premise: Strangers on a journey become mired in a strange situation. It’s a tale as old as the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer in the fourteenth century. However, instead of a storm and an inn, this tale […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVAs a very big fan of Joe Hill’s sophomore novel Horns, I was awaiting Alexandre Aja’s film adaptation with much anticipation. Piranha and Haute Tension are great movies, showing a diversity of ability. Even his weaker efforts such as Mirrors and The Hills Have Eyes […]
Featured ArticleShit. I haven’t written a Ghoulies & Ghosties & Long-Leggedy Beasties column since June, which means that I owe you, Savage Readers. In fact, by my calculations, I owe you a good six GGLLB installments to make up for it. And I’m a horror fan […]
Featured ArticleRadioactive waste, monsters, busty babes who are trying to prove that they’re “groovy,” hillbillies, and a far-out scientist dude who wants to capture Bigfoot in the flesh. Cue Keith Morris singing “Parade of the Horribles.” Better yet, put on Municipal Waste ripping through “Wolves of […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVI fully expected there to be a film adaptation of Joe Hill’s sophomore novel— a book I absolutely loved, from start to finish (do yourself a favor and immediately pick up a copy). I was just a tad nervous when I read the news that […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVMore than anything else, Robert Bloch’s career is a testament to perseverance. His autobiography, along with the numerous mini-bios and write-ups about him that populate the internet, are testaments to the fact that writers are workers, no exception. And a lesser worker than Bloch would’ve […]
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