David and John from John Dies at the End are back in David Wong’s (Jason Pargin’s) This Book Is Full of Spiders: Seriously, Dude, Don’t Touch It. This time David and John must confront an invasion of semi invisible spiders that enter people’s mouths and […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsI love Dracula, but is there a more disappointing character in all of horror than Dr. Abraham Van Helsing? Nobody does Cthulhu like Lovecraft. Nobody does Conan like Robert E. Howard.[1] Everybody does Van Helsing better than Bram Stoker. Whatever idea you have of Van […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsAlright, Horror Fans; let’s finish what we started with Women in Horror Month 2013: In Their Words Part 1 with the second of our two-part look at some of the various women who are both creating horror media and supporting others who are […]
Featured ArticleWomen in Horror Month was created to honor women who are, have been, or are moving into the horror genre. While these ladies are being featured in the month of February in recent years, they are kicking ass at their projects all year long. This […]
Featured ArticleStandup comedian and horror authority Robert Hibbs brings you an exclusive interview with the duo behind the potty humor-infused horror-comedy Swamphead. The following interview is intended for an immature audience. Reader indiscretion is advised…. I have a philosophy that all forms of art, especially cinema, […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVWhat does it take to make the list? Simply put, these characters need to be the type that inspire laughs while remaining adept when it comes to dispensing beat downs. Characters are ranked for being able to balance ass-kickery with wise-assery. Funny ass-kickery is an […]
Featured ArticleA decade after Bubba Ho-Tep Don Coscarelli is back with another feature based on a cult author’s work that masterfully blends humor and horror. John Dies at the End follows our hero Dave Wong and his buddy John as they are forced to fight off […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVWhen I was asked to review Railway Children, I was perhaps unnecessarily enthusiastic about the task. The plot synopsis hooked me right away: A movie that combines elements of Lord of the Flies with an apocalypse horror? I can’t think of anything better. I eagerly […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVNight of the Living Dead co-creator John Russo talks about the zombie legacy he created, the current zombie craze, and dishes all kinds of graveyard dirt on one George A. Romero. Read on, Horror Fans…. Every three months, a small convention is held in a […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVShort horror film Familiar (Fatal Pictures 2012) makes its way to FEARnet in 2013. One of last year’s most talked about short films, Familiar, will soon be accessible to a much larger audience by way of FEARnet (www.FEARnet.com). The movie stars Robert Nolan, Astrida Auza […]