Certain themes have a way of repeating themselves. Call it lack of creativity or call it timelessness, but the horror movie world certainly has its fair share of commonalities. From the silent era into the early sound period, the “old dark house” genre dominated, with […]
Featured ArticleArrow Video US has revealed their slate of sadistic cinema for October and, as usual, it’s stacked with goodies, not the least of which is a totally bananas, limited edition Herschell Gordon Lewis 17-disc set! Read on for the details, Horror Fans…. Vamp […]
NewsThe synopsis of 2 Jennifer was enough to pique my interest, but when I started to watch it, it was obvious that the film was done in a POV documentary/found footage style (ala Blair Witch Project). And the premise? Well, the plotline consists of the […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVJessica Cameron, the infamous scream queen turned whirling dervish of the deranged and director of dangerous cinema, has bestowed horror fans with another glimpse of what’s next in her catalog of killer indie flicks. We’ve reviewed her feature directorial debut Truth or Dare here and […]
NewsRavenous Monster readers should be familiar with the name John Portanova as we’ve covered this Seattle indie auteur’s genre output for the past several years now. The latest of these movies, Valley of the Sasquatch, has been renamed to Hunting Grounds and picked up U.S. […]
NewsSo, my clairvoyant editor says with a smirk, “This is the long-awaited Blu-Ray release” of Dark Angel: The Ascent, available next week from Full Moon Features. Long-awaited as in 22 years, seeing as how its theatrical release was in 1994, just a year after Clinton […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVThe Neon Dead is not your typical independent horror flick. Sure, we’ve all seen horror movies where a smooth-talking, good looking young man takes it upon himself to save the world—and a pretty, young woman—from impending apocalyptic doom. But Torey Haas has brought us something […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVAlright, Horror Fans, we know, we know: Star Wars is NOT horror. However… …We here at Ravenous Monster are confident that there exists a huge overlap among those who love everything that goes bump in the night and those who are apt to try using […]
NewsTonight, Horror Fans, we bring you a special behind-the-scenes video documenting the making of Rogue Warrior: Robot Fighter. Described as “Mad Max meets Star Wars,” director Neil Johnson’s buzz-worthy sci-fi action flick has been named as the Opening Night Film at this year’s Action On […]
NewsTim Lebbon has been one of the most recognized and respected names in the horror literature world for over fifteen years. Not only has his original short stories and novels drawn comparisons to the best horror has to offer, but Lebbon is also arguably the […]
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