What happens when you mix zombies, aliens, lots of cameras, and the rugged mountain woodlands of the Southwest? You get Robert Conway’s The Encounter, coming out on June 2nd for your viewing pleasure. Sure, the ingredients are all there, but does this found-footage sci-fi jaunt […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVSome of the filmmakers responsible for some of the best indie fright fare of the past five years are joining forces for the forthcoming supernatural freak-out Ayla, with a planned crowd funding campaign that promises a bevy of perks. Read the full press release below, […]
NewsFatal Pictures is back along with Red Sneakers Media to present the short film Heir, a body horror creeper that will debut this summer at the Fantasia International Film Festival. Read the full press release below: Fatal Pictures in association with Red Sneakers Media is […]
NewsFilmmaker Jessica Cameron is back with a trio of new horror flicks that includes Mania, Desolation, and the documentary depicting the production of them both, Kill the PA. Cameron has unleashed the first trailer for Mania and it’s a killer! Read the full press release […]
NewsBrazil came late to the horror film, but when it did, its debut offering was worth the wait. Few countries can claim such a schlocky thing of beauty as José Mojica Marins’s 1963 classic At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul (À Meia-Noite Levarei Sua Alma) […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVI have a special place in my heart for what I like the call the “haunted kid” film. Parenthood, rife as it is with anxieties and high stakes, is fertile ground for horror, and some of my favorite horror movies have staked their claim there. […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TV“One side of my face is gentle and kind, incapable of anything but love of my fellow man. The other side, the other profile, is cruel and predatory and evil, incapable of anything but the lusts and dark passions. It all depends on which side […]
Featured ArticleNovum Analytics is two-years deep into making a game for your smart phone that will have horror fans screaming with delight and, really, just screaming in general. They need to raise funds to finish what they started, and what they started is a truly ambitious […]
NewsIt’s been thirty years since the release of Demons (or Dèmoni in its original Italian). Directed by Lamberto Bava and produced by legendary maestro Dario Argento (who received a much bigger billing in advertisements for the film), Demons is a quintessentially ‘80s splatterpunk flick about […]
Music & Events Music ReviewsWhen the CIA needs to track down the digital clones of a megalomaniacal mad man who has seized control of the world’s computer systems, they call in his old teammates to track him down and ghost his pixelated ass. This team isn’t the Ghostbusters’ IT […]
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