Ron Ford is a talented director and writer with credits like The Crawling Brain, Hollywood Mortuary, The Fear, and many, many more. He’s an accomplished actor having both stage and screen experience. His most recent feature, Game Camera, is currently making the rounds at festivals […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVDirector Eamon Hardiman has never killed anyone in real life (as far as we know), but Eamon and his team at Razor Sharp Studios, based in West Virginia, have produced some killer indie movies (see what I did there?), and their latest project Steve: Death […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVMotivational Growth tells the story of Ian Foliver, a completely broken and reclusive schmuck who lives in an apartment that would make even the filthiest couch potato break out in hives. While going through his “recognition of self-worthlessness process,” Ian decides it’s time to end […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVI recently found myself the owner of a PS4 – a joyous occasion in that it replaced my dead Xbox 360 for the purposes of streaming movies, but a bit disappointing as the PS4 game selection is currently rather bare. So imagine my delight when, […]
Games & ToysRussian literature, or at least the type you might read in college, is known for its intensity and mountains of cerebral ramblings on all things unanswerable. From Dostoevsky to Bulgakov, the best Russian writers don’t deal with miniatures or micro narratives. The Brothers Karamazov somehow […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsI recently had the opportunity watch a fun, quirky film – Sledge, a horror comedy that takes the age-old “campers are targeted by a sociopath” trope and wrings out every bit of delicious, gory cheesiness it can. I talked all about it in my review, […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVThey sure don’t make ‘em like they used to! That’s usually the battle cry of every crusty old crab such as myself when it comes to popular entertainment, resulting in a flurry of rolling eyes and groans from kids of the digital generation. Well, keep […]
Featured ArticleWhen Robert Bloch came to Hollywood in the early 1960s, he did so as an already accomplished and acclaimed author. In this regard, Bloch was nothing new. Plenty of writers, such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and William Faulkner, had chosen a similar career path. But […]
Featured ArticleThe horror comedy is a venerable genre in its own right. For as long as there have been horror films, there have been movies spoofing them – from Abbott and Costello facing the black-and-white movie monsters to Cabin in the Woods and Knights of Badassdom […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVI recently had the opportunity to sit down with not one, but three awesome people involved in the film Ditch Day Massacre, an homage to ‘80s-era slasher films produced by Water Tree Media. Ditch Day Massacre is a simple tale of revenge pitted against some […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TV