Director Jeremy Berg’s psychological horror-thriller Sader Ridge (The October People) is a refreshingly creepy film. Where other movies might go for cheap scares and body horror, Sader Ridge is a quieter movie that relies on the strength of its performances and the implications of the unspoken to […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVThe Crow: Skinning the Wolves marked the end of James O’Barr’s long absence from the franchise he created and he’s back again with a new Crow tale entitled Curare. The high standard he set with Skinning the Wolves is easily met in this new tale […]
Artists Books & ComicsJoyland by Stephen King is available through Titan Books’ hard-boiled pulp crime imprint, Hard Case Crime. King’s latest tale is executed in the mold of classics from a bygone era and as such it’s only available via paperback, for now at least. So for you […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsThe Conjuring hits on all the haunts…. James Wan, your seat is ready. Following up the widely applauded INSIDIOUS should have proved to be much more difficult for the man who brought us gore by the gallons with the SAW series and buckets of heebie-jeebies […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVA lone rider traveling “(d)uring the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year.” This is how Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher begins. Since its first publication in 1839, Poe’s macabre masterpiece has been […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsI always say that the great thing about independent art of any kind is the lack of restraints imposed by studios, publishers, record companies, and the like. I have to say that The Story of Her Holding an Orange is one of the more unique […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsGav Chuckie Steel is one of those guys that just ooze horror. He eats, dreams, and breathes the gory stuff. This non-stop motor of his serves him spectacularly well in his directorial debut, a fantastic super low-budget flick titled The Shadow of Death. If you […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVFrom the darkness has curiosity ever reached out and struck you? Has it caused you to wonder about your favorite genre writers and what’s on their bookshelves? It’s reached out and struck me. Do they have some classic pulp detective novels? What about graphic novel […]
Authors Books & Comics“I had to do everything because I couldn’t find another kindred soul. Now you see eighty people listed doing the same things I was doing by myself.” Sometimes people ask me why I’m so crazy for monsters and so interested in the weird. I have […]
Featured ArticleLegs McNeil, the co-founder of the revolutionary manifesto known simply as Punk Magazine, once stated that when rock and roll is done right, it is truly the Devil’s music. If this is the case, then the Devil has a helluva good taste in tunes. After […]
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