James Bickert’s DEAR GOD NO! is not fun for the whole family, it’s not the feel-good movie of the year, nor is it a movie to enjoy on date night. In fact, unless you’re a member of the coveted 18-34-year-old demographic, male and in the […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVA lot has changed since 1962. During the same year that saw the very first Wal-Mart open, THE HULK # 1 released and the web-slinging superhero Spider-Man introduced, Andy Warhol’s groovy Campbell’s Soup cans unveiled, the Rolling Stones make their debut, Marilyn Monroe die, The […]
Featured ArticleTexas filmmaker Casey Crow’s latest project is KLAGGER, a 12-minute short film that recalls the best of cinematic horror from the ‘70s and ‘80s. KLAGGER is part slasher flick, part ghost story, and all myth with the potential to add to our dark patch of […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TVLots of vampire films have their moment in the sun. But none can cast a shadow like the one left in 1987 by a gem called NEAR DARK, a film that’s been considered a memorable favorite in the eyes of many horror and vampire fans […]
Featured ArticleBy Sir Doctor Robert Hibbs (I wish it was a real title) Originally this second edition was going to focus on characters who were “doctors by day and monster hunters by night,” and I did a lot of research into potential candidates that met that […]
Featured ArticleI recently watched Disney’s PETER PAN again for the first time in a long while. I could tell you that this was because there’s a 3 ½-year old in my life, but that would be a lie. My robust knowledge of the intricacies and mythology […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsHorror has been around for quite some time and in many forms. Primarily, you will see such works of art in the theatre, on video, or in literature. An oft overlooked medium of horror is the comic book. Horror comics have been around nearly as […]
Books & Comics Comic Book CollectionsFor all you mutant loving, post apocalyptic pondering, survivalist zombie fans out there, The Killing Floor is one of the few books you’ll want to take with you down into your bomb shelters and not want to scrap for fire kindling. When you begin reading […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsMovie watching is one of our most enjoyable pastimes, one that will continue to occur regardless of the changing methods we use to obtain those videos. Small movie stores once acted as second homes to us, where we would spend our time looking at the […]
Movie InterviewsM.R. Gott’s Where the Dead Fear to Tread is a cross between a supernatural slasher story and a pulpy noir crime drama—sort of like if Max Payne were directed by a young Clive Barker. The story opens with a highly pornographic and gorily detailed description […]
Book Reviews Books & Comics