Well, Horror Fans, the headline says it all. STARZ released official Season Two art and a killer video today to whet our appetites until October 2nd when Ash, Ruby, Pablo, Kelly and Ash’s dad, Brock…Ash’s Dad?!…fight evil at Ash’s childhood stomping grounds. Read on for […]
NewsWe here at Ravenous Monster are always proud to bring you news of art—in this case, a movie—that’s referred to as vile, demented, sadistic, and f*cked up. Welcome to indie filmmaker Joston Theney’s ADAM K., the aforementioned movie of ill repute coming to home video […]
NewsHorror nerds, music fans, and all-around outcasts of a certain age and ilk will remember well the “Satanic Panic” of the 1980s. From crusades against D&D to trials focusing way too much on Ozzy Osbourne lyrics, nothing was safe from the pious and the paranoid […]
NewsWriter/director Stephen David Brooks’s intense thriller Flytrap has spent the past year racking up awards on the international festival circuit and, come tomorrow (August 23rd), Horror Fans, you’ll be able to enjoy it in comfort of your own home and on a multitude of platforms. […]
NewsNew York’s Wild Eye Releasing is coming to bestow you all with more genre goodness in September and this time it’s weird genre goodness. Torey Haas, better known for doing visual effects work, directs The Neon Dead, a horror flick that’s as funny as it […]
NewsSo before I get the review, which I will, I need to issue a disclaimer. I am the type of Aliens fan that owned the series on VHS, DVD, and Blu-Ray. I am the type of fan who bought the Loot Crate 30th Anniversary Box, […]
Book Reviews Books & ComicsThere’s a vital distinction between sea monsters and every other kind of monster: Sea monsters scare the living shit out of me, and I’m not ashamed to say it. What’s scarier than looking into the murky water below you and seeing the barnacle-encrusted back of […]
Featured ArticleYour old pal Dr. Mality likes to dabble in many branches of science, but robotics holds a special place in my blackened heart. I don’t know how many hours I’ve slaved in the lab trying to whip up nefarious automatons to do my will. The […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVArgentinian brothers Luciano and Nicolás Onetti have a thing for giallo. In fact, they’ve made one—a good one called Francesca that we’ve covered here before. But now the black-gloved mayhem of The Brothers Onetti will be making its way to home video very soon and […]
NewsWritten by Elias and directed by Nick Basile, Dark is a film about madness, fear, and the uncertainty of New York City plunged into darkness during the biggest blackout in history. After I finished Dark, I had some questions. I imagine most people would, but […]
Movie Interviews Movies & TV