The ghoulish gang at Arrow Video US is unleashing the definitive documentary on FX pioneer and progenitor of genre filmmaking—the late, great Ray Harryhausen. This release features a who’s who of genre stalwarts and a monstrous menu of killer special features. It will be required […]
News“A giallo is not a detective story, it is not a thriller, not a suspense movie, not a horror film.” Rather, according to Ernesto Gastaldi in Troy Howarth’s So Deadly, So Perverse, a giallo “can be any one of these things and also all of […]
Music & Events Music ReviewsTake the pill and the drink the Kool-Aid. Don’t worry about the ATF agents on the other side of the compound. We have to leave this earth if we want to meet the mothership. But, before we go, let’s creepy crawl some pigs. This is […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVAn interesting trend has been emerging in horror tales of our modern age. One: The most compelling horror narratives are, increasingly, found outside of film. Video games and creepypasta are, in many ways, dominating the modern horror narrative. Two: Some of the most interesting and […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVFinland is a magical, mystical country. It snows all the time, metal is always on the radio, and eleven months out of the year you can catch Santa Claus relaxing at his home in Rovaniemi. Finland is also sex-obsessed, pussy-obsessed, and dick-obsessed. Finland is the […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVAt fourteen or so, I asked my Dad what a necrophile was, to which he replied, “people who make love to the dead.” Retelling this story recently, I mocked what I took for a prim semantic detour around calling a corpse-fucker a corpse-fucker.[1] For Ed […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVLate last night, the winners of the 14th annual Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards were announced. The winning nominees ran the gamut, from newer horror and sci-fi to the bevy of the expected classic horror coverage and curation. It was our great honor to have […]
NewsThere’s an emerging genre of video game that has swiftly become my favorite storytelling medium. They’re calling it the “interactive drama adventure game” – a mouthful that generally refers to a story-based game whose mechanics revolve around making plot-changing decisions. If you remember my review […]
Games & ToysAhhhh, we love us some Michael Madsen. Is there anything scarier, more shocking, frigidly colder in cinematic history than Reservoir Dog’s Vic Vega, aka Mr. Blonde, mutilating a cop while singing/dancing along to “Stuck in the Middle with You”? Conscience? Uh, no. But we digress, […]
Movie Reviews Movies & TVWe’ve covered Ms. Cameron here before, Horror Fans. But if you’re new to the ghastly confines of RavMon, then the one thing about Jessica Cameron you should know is that she’s a one-woman industry—an irresistible force and a prolific horror filmmaker who’s produced, directed, starred […]